Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (2024)

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Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (10)

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Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (11) Wpisz nazwę miejscowości... aby wyświetlić szczegóły punktów znajdujących się w okolicy

`; } var distanceElem = ''; if(typeof point.distance !== 'undefined'){ distanceElem = `(~${point.distance.value}${point.distance.unit})`; } var openingHoursElem =`

`; if (typeof point.otwartyDzis !== 'undefined') { point.godzinyOtwarcia.forEach(function (el, dow) { openStyle = ''; if (dayOfWeek == dow) { openStyle = `font-weight-800`; } openingHoursElem += ``; if (typeof el.godziny != 'undefined') { openingHoursElem += ``; openingHoursElem += ``; } else { openingHoursElem += ``; if (el.godzina_od !== null && el.godzina_do !== null) { openingHoursElem += ``; } else { if(!el.opis) openingHoursElem += ``; else openingHoursElem += ``; } } openingHoursElem += ``; }); } openingHoursElem += `
` + el.dzien_tygodnia + ``; el.godziny.forEach(function (godzina) { openingHoursElem += `${godzina.godzina_od.substring(0, 5) + " - " + godzina.godzina_do.substring(0, 5)}`; }); openingHoursElem += `` + el.dzien_tygodnia + `` + el.godzina_od.substring(0, 5) + " - " + el.godzina_do.substring(0, 5) + `nieczynnenieczynne (${el.opis})

`; var activeCouriersSnippets = ''; if (point.courierId == "0") { activeCouriersFormMap.forEach(function (element) { activeCouriersSnippets += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (12)

`; }); } var affiliations = ``; if (point.courierId == "0") { if (typeof point.affiliation !== 'undefined') { Object.keys(point.affiliation).map(function (key, value) { // if (courierID) { switch (key) { case "allegro": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (13)

`; break; case "inpost": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (14)

`; break; case "ups": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (15)

`; break; case "orlen_paczka": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (16)

`; break; case "dhl_export": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (17)

`; break; case "fedex": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (18)

`; break; case "geis": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (19)

`; break; case "gls": affiliations += `

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (20)

`; break; } // } }); } } var ocena = ``; var ilosc_opinii = ``; if (typeof point.ocena != "undefined" && point.ocena != null && point.ocena.length > 0 && typeof point.iloscOpinii != "undefined" && point.iloscOpinii != null && point.iloscOpinii.length > 0 ) { // ocena = ` //

// // ${parseFloat(point.ocena).toFixed(2)} (${point.ilosc_opinii} głosów) //

`; ilosc_opinii = `

${parseFloat(point.ocena).toFixed(2)} (${point.iloscOpinii} głosów)

`; } var pointAffiliationAndServices = ``; if (point.courierId == "0") { pointAffiliationAndServices = `


ROZWIŃ SZCZEGÓŁY Przejdź do punktu

`; } var phone = ``; if (typeof point.telephone != "undefined" && point.telephone != null && point.telephone.length > 0) { phone = `

`; } var email = ``; if (typeof point.email != "undefined" && point.email != null && point.email.length > 0) { email = `


`; } // point.name = point.name.replaceAll("EPAKA ", ""); $(card).html(`

Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (21)



Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (22)


${closeTimeContainer} ${openingHoursElem} ${phone} ${email} ${pointAffiliationAndServices}

`); // debugger; if (point.courierId == '0') { if (checkIfPointIsOpen(point)) { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime").css('color', '#39A02F'); } else { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime").css('color', '#E94F50'); var nextOpenDay = getNextOpenDay(point); if (nextOpenDay !== false) { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime").text(`Zamknięte ⋅ Otwarcie: ${nextOpenDay.dayOfWeek}, ${nextOpenDay.openHour.substring(0, 5)}`); } else { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime").text(`Zamknięte`); } } } else if (point.courierId != '6' && typeof point.other != "undefined" && point.other != null && point.other.length > 0) { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime").text(point.other); $(card).find(".toggleOpenTimeTable").hide(); } else if (typeof point.other != "undefined" && (point.other == null || point.other.length == 0)) { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime-contener").removeClass('d-flex flex-row').hide(); } else { $(card).find(".pointOpenTime-contener").removeClass('d-flex flex-row').hide(); } if (!isEmpty(point.telephone)) { point.telephone.split(',').forEach(function (val) { $(card).find('.point-phone-list').append(`${val.trim()}`); }); } var rows = $(affiliations).length/3; var indexesToMargin = [1]; for(var i=0;i

0 && searchInput.inputValue != null && searchInput.searchResponse) { $(".map-container").attr("style","height: calc( 100vh - "+topHeight+"px )"); $("#map-top-section").attr("style","height: calc( 100vh - "+topHeight+"px )"); $("#list-tab-content").attr("style","height: calc( 100vh - "+topHeight+"px )"); // showHideLoadingList(1); postData = { couriers: couriersStr, funkcja: "nadanie", text: searchInput.inputValue, postcode: searchInput.searchResponse.address.postcode, city: searchInput.searchResponse.address.town, lon: searchInput.searchResponse.lon, lat: searchInput.searchResponse.lat, destination: 'firmy-kurierskie' } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/api/getPointsForMap.xml", data: postData, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", dataType: "text", cache: false, error: function(e) { alert("No data found."); }, success: function(response) { jsonResponse = parseXmlToJson(response); if (jsonResponse.data.status == "OK" && jsonResponse.data.points.point.length > 0) { callback(jsonResponse.data.points.point); } else { callback(false); } } }); } else { callback(false); } } function updateCouriersDetailsListAsync(couriers, force = false, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } // if (couriers.length > 0 && ((searchInput.inputValue != null && searchInput.searchResponse) || force)) { if (couriers.length > 0 || force) { $(".map-container").attr("style","height: calc( 100vh - "+topHeight+"px )"); $("#map-top-section").attr("style","height: calc( 100vh - "+topHeight+"px )"); $("#list-tab-content").attr("style","height: calc( 100vh - "+topHeight+"px )"); clearAndHidePointList(true); // showHideLoadingList(1); // showPointList(); var sem = couriers.length; var pointsResponse = {}; couriers.forEach(function(courierID){ if (script_arr[courierID].details_type == "file" && markerList[courierID].points.length > 0) { sem--; markerList[courierID].points.forEach(function (point, index) { if (map.getBounds().contains(point._latlng) && typeof point.customPointDetails != "undefined") { appendPointToList(point.customPointDetails); } }); bindEvents(); if (sem <= 0) { showHideLoadingList(0); showPointList(); callback(courierID, pointsResponse); } } else { getPointsFromSource(courierID, "details", function (courierID, newPoints) { sem--; if (newPoints && newPoints.length > 0) { pointsResponse[courierID] = newPoints; newPoints.forEach(function (point) { point.courierId = courierID; var pointLatLng = L.latLng(point.lat, point.lng); if (map.getBounds().contains(pointLatLng)) { appendPointToList(point); } }); showHideLoadingList(0); showPointList(); bindEvents(); } if (sem <= 0) { callback(courierID, pointsResponse); } }); } }); } else { clearAndHidePointList(false); callback(false); } } function beforeFiltersEvents() { showHideMapLoadingGif(1); } function afterFiltersEvents(forceCouriersArray = false, makeAnimation = true, detailsType = false, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } // if (processedListCouriers <= 0) { if (getProcessedCouriers('count') <= 0) { processedListCouriers++; beforeFiltersEvents(); if (detailsType == "async" || detailsType == "file" || !detailsType) { force = (detailsType == "file") ? true : false; updateCouriersDetailsListAsync(getSelectedCouriers("array", forceCouriersArray), force, function (courierID, pointsDetails) { processedListCouriers--; if (processedListCouriers <= 0 && !makeSecondCouriers) { showHideMapLoadingGif(0); } callback(); }); } else if (detailsType == "sync") { updateCouriersDetailsListSync(getSelectedCouriers("string", forceCouriersArray), function (pointsResponse) { processedListCouriers--; if (pointsResponse) { var points = [...pointsResponse]; clearAndHidePointList(true); // zamiana cdata w xml'u var selectedCouriers = getSelectedCouriers("array", forceCouriersArray); points.forEach(function (point, index) { var index = index; var point = point; if (selectedCouriers.indexOf(point.courierId) != -1) { Object.keys(point).forEach(el => { if (typeof point[el] == "object" && point[el] != null && ("#cdata" in point[el]) == true) { point[el] = point[el]['#cdata']; points[index][el] = point[el]; } }); appendPointToList(point); } });//END zamiana cdata w xml'u bindEvents(); showHideLoadingList(0); showPointList(); if (!getSelectedCouriers("array").length) { clearAndHidePointList(); } if (processedListCouriers <= 0) { showHideMapLoadingGif(0); } } else { clearAndHidePointList(); showHideLoadingList(0); showHideMapLoadingGif(0); } callback(); }); } } callback(); } function selectAllCouriers(makeAnimation, second, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } // ladowanie listy z lewej przed punktami na mapce // var secondArr = ['0']; // if (second) { // activeCouriersFormMap.forEach(function (objCourier){ // secondArr.push(objCourier.id); // }); // secondArr = secondArr.filter(function(courierID, index, arr) { // return !secondCouriers.includes(courierID); // }); // } else { // activeCouriersFormMap.forEach(function (objCourier){ // secondArr.push(objCourier.id); // }); // } // afterFiltersEvents(secondArr, false, 'async', function(){}); var makeAnimation = makeAnimation; Object.entries(markerList).forEach(entry => { const [key, value] = entry; var _courierID = key; if (value.checked == false && ((second && !secondCouriers.includes(_courierID)) || !second)) { if (!makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(_courierID, true, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } resetCouriersChelckOnClick = false; checkUncheckCourier(_courierID, makeAnimation, true, function(detailsType){ afterFiltersEvents(false, false, detailsType, function(){}); }); } else if (second && secondCouriers.includes(_courierID) && !makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(_courierID, true, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } }); var allCourierCount = Object.keys(markerList).length; if (second) { allCourierCount = allCourierCount - secondCouriers.length; } var isAllProcessed = false; var intervalAllProcessedId = setInterval(function(){ if (allCourierCount == getSelectedCouriers('count') && getProcessedCouriers('count') <= 0) { isAllProcessed = true; if (!second) { resetCouriersChelckOnClick = true; } if (!makeAnimation) { Object.entries(markerList).forEach(entry => { const [key, value] = entry; var courierID = key; if (value.checked == true && ((second && !secondCouriers.includes(courierID)) || !second)) { if (!makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierID, false, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } } else if (second && secondCouriers.includes(courierID) && !makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierID, false, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } }); } clearInterval(intervalAllProcessedId); callback(); }; }, 10); } function selectSecondCouriers(makeAnimation, second, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } // ladowanie listy z lewej przed punktami na mapce // var secondArr = []; // activeCouriersFormMap.forEach(function (objCourier){ // secondArr.push(objCourier.id); // }); // secondArr = secondArr.filter(function(courierID, index, arr) { // return secondCouriers.includes(courierID); // }); // afterFiltersEvents(secondArr, false, 'async', function(){}); var makeAnimation = makeAnimation; Object.entries(markerList).forEach(entry => { // debugger; const [key, value] = entry; var courierID = key; if (value.checked == false && secondCouriers.includes(courierID)) { if (!makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierID, true, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } resetCouriersChelckOnClick = false; checkUncheckCourier(courierID, makeAnimation, true, function (detailsType) { afterFiltersEvents(false, false, detailsType, function(){}); }); } else if (!secondCouriers.includes(courierID) && !makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierID, true, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } }); // debugger; var allCourierCount = Object.keys(markerList).length; var isAllProcessed = false; var intervalAllProcessedId = setInterval(function () { if (allCourierCount == getSelectedCouriers('count') && getProcessedCouriers('count') <= 0) { isAllProcessed = true; resetCouriersChelckOnClick = true; if (!makeAnimation) { Object.entries(markerList).forEach(entry => { const [key, value] = entry; var courierID = key; if (value.checked == true && secondCouriers.includes(courierID)) { if (!makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierID, false, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } } else if (!secondCouriers.includes(courierID) && !makeAnimation) { // courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierID, false, {'active':false, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':false, 'spinner':true}); } }); } clearInterval(intervalAllProcessedId); makeSecondCouriers = false; callback(); } }, 10); } function unselectAllCouriers(makeAnimation, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } var makeAnimation = makeAnimation; Object.entries(markerList).forEach(entry => { const [key, value] = entry; var courierID = key; if (value.checked == true) { resetCouriersChelckOnClick = true; checkUncheckCourier(courierID, makeAnimation, undefined, function(){}); } }); var intervalResetId = setInterval(function(){ if (getProcessedCouriers('count') <= 0) { resetCouriersChelckOnClick = false; clearInterval(intervalResetId); callback(); }; }, 10); } function checkUncheckCourier(courierId, makeAnimation, forceActive = undefined, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } var _courierId = courierId; beforeFiltersEvents(); var anchor = "#search-map-courier-" + _courierId; if (markerList[_courierId].processed == false) { markerList[_courierId].processed = true; // uncheck if ((typeof forceActive == "undefined" && $(anchor).hasClass('active')) || resetCouriersChelckOnClick == true || (typeof forceActive != "undefined" && forceActive == false)) { if (makeAnimation) { $(anchor).children('label').addClass('gray'); $(anchor).children('.search-map-spinner').show(); } // console.log('UNCheck '+courierId); setTimeout(function () { removeCourierPoints(_courierId, true, function (detailsType) { if (makeAnimation) { // $(anchor).children('label').removeClass('gray'); // $(anchor).children('.search-map-spinner').hide(); // $(anchor).removeClass('active'); // $(anchor).children().find('.input-search-map-courier').prop("checked", false); courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(_courierId, false, {'active':true, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':true, 'spinner':true}); } markerList[_courierId].processed = false; // console.log('UNCheck '+courierId+' DONE.'); callback(detailsType); }); }, 10); } // check else if (typeof forceActive == "undefined" || (typeof forceActive != "undefined" && forceActive == true)) { if (makeAnimation) { // $(anchor).addClass('active'); // $(anchor).children().find('.input-search-map-courier').prop("checked", true); // $(anchor).children('label').addClass('gray'); // $(anchor).children('.search-map-spinner').show(); courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(_courierId, true, {'active':true, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':true, 'spinner':true}); } // console.log('check '+courierId); setTimeout(function () { loadCourierPoints(_courierId, $(anchor).attr("data-source-url"), function (detailsType) { if (makeAnimation) { $(anchor).children('label').removeClass('gray'); $(anchor).children('.search-map-spinner').hide(); } markerList[_courierId].processed = false; // console.log('check '+courierId+' DONE.'); callback(detailsType); }); }, 10); } } } function courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(courierId, show = true, uses = { 'active': true, 'gray': true, 'checkbox': true, 'spinner': true, }) { var _courierId = courierId; var anchor = "div#search-map-courier-" + _courierId; // $(anchor + '.search-map-courier').addClass('cursor-pointer').css({'cursor':'default'}).children('label.checkbox-container').css({'cursor':'default'}); // var intervalLoadingAnimatioCoursorId = setInterval(function(){ // if (markerList[_courierId].processed == false) { // // debugger; // $(anchor + '.search-map-courier').addClass('cursor-pointer').css({'cursor':'pointer'}).children('label.checkbox-container').css({'cursor':'pointer'}); // clearInterval(intervalLoadingAnimatioCoursorId); // }; // }, 10); // uncheck if (!show) { // $(anchor + '.search-map-courier').addClass('cursor-pointer').css({'cursor':'pointer'}).children('label.checkbox-container').css({'cursor':'pointer'}); if (uses.active) $(anchor).removeClass('active'); if (uses.gray) $(anchor).children('label').removeClass('gray'); if (uses.checkbox) $(anchor).children().find('.input-search-map-courier').prop("checked", false); if (uses.spinner) $(anchor).children('.search-map-spinner').hide(); } // check else { // $(anchor + '.search-map-courier').removeClass('cursor-pointer').css({'cursor':'default'}).children('label.checkbox-container').css({'cursor':'default'}); if (uses.active) $(anchor).addClass('active'); if (uses.gray) $(anchor).children('label').addClass('gray'); if (uses.checkbox) $(anchor).children().find('.input-search-map-courier').prop("checked", true); if (uses.spinner) $(anchor).children('.search-map-spinner').show(); } } function searchAddress(query, init = false, callback) { if (callback===undefined) { callback = function(){} } if(query != '' && (query != incomingParameters.town || init)) { searchInput.inputValue = query; var searchValueTmp = cityToLink(query); const postcode = /([0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3})|([0-9]{5})/; var params = { limit: '1', countrycodes: 'PL', format: 'json', addressdetails: '1', }; if(postcode.test(searchValueTmp)){ params.postalcode = postcode.exec(searchValueTmp)[0]; } else { params.q = searchValueTmp; params.limit = 10; } $.ajax({ type : 'GET', dataType : 'json', url:"/map.php?" + $.param(params), success: createSearchPointSuccessHandler(13, function(searchValueResponse){ searchInput.searchResponse = searchValueResponse; if (searchValueResponse) { if (isAllIncomingFiltersData && getSelectedCouriers('count') == 0 && getProcessedCouriers('count') <= 0) { selectAllCouriers(makeAnimationGlobal, makeSecondCouriers, function () { if (makeSecondCouriers) { selectSecondCouriers(makeAnimationGlobal, makeSecondCouriers, function(){}); } callback(searchValueResponse); }); } else { afterFiltersEvents(false, true, false); callback(searchValueResponse); } } else { callback(false); } }) }); } } function getCourierSources() { Object.entries(markerList).forEach(entry => { const [courierID, value] = entry; var anchor = "#search-map-courier-" + courierID; markerList[courierID].sourceURL = $(anchor).attr("data-source-url"); }); } $(document).ready(function() { getCourierSources(); waitFor("map", function(){ $("#searchMyLocation").click(function(){ searchMyLocation(); }); $('#pointSearchWrapper').click(function(){ $("#pointSearch").focus(); }); $("#pointSearch").on( "typeahead:selected", function(evt, item) { $("#pointSearch").focusout(); }); $("#pointSearch").keydown(function(e){ if(e.which == 13) { $(this).focusout(); } }); $("#pointSearch").focusout(function(){ searchAddress($(this).val()); }); // $('#teraz_otwarte').change(function(){ // openFilter = $(this)[0].checked; // loadAjMarkers(); // }); // $('#platnosc_karta').change(function(){ // cardFilter = $(this)[0].checked; // loadAjMarkers(); // }); const towns = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace("name"), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: '/punkt/aj_getTownNames/town', wildcard: 'town', // Map the remote source JSON array to a JavaScript object array // identify: function(obj) { return obj; }, filter: function(towns) { return $.map(towns, function (town) { return town; }); } } }); // Initialize the Bloodhound suggestion engine towns.initialize(); function townsWithDefaults(q, sync) { if (q === '') { sync(towns.all()); // This is the only change needed to get 'ALL' items as the defaults } else { towns.search(q, sync); } } $("#pointSearch").typeahead({ hint: true, highlight: true, minLength: 0, class: "col-9" }, { name: 'states', limit: 15, source: towns }); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // setMyLocation(false, false); $('#allowGeolocation').on('change', function(){ var that = $(this); setMyLocation(false, true, function(response){ if (response) { if (that.is(':checked')) { if (pointsWithDetails && myLocation) { drawRoute( {lat: myLocation._latlng.lat, lng: myLocation._latlng.lng}, {lat: pointsWithDetails._latlng.lat, lng: pointsWithDetails._latlng.lng} ); } } else { if (typeof path !== "undefined" && path) { map.removeLayer(path); if (pointsWithDetails) { clickOnMarker(pointsWithDetails, false); } } } } else { that.prop('checked', false); } }); }); $('.search-map-courier').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var _courierID = $(this).attr("data-courier-id"); if (isReadyToInteraction && markerList[_courierID].processed == false) { if (resetCouriersChelckOnClick) { courierLoadingAnimationOnlyInit(_courierID, true, {'active':true, 'gray':true, 'checkbox':true, 'spinner':true}); unselectAllCouriers(false, function () { checkUncheckCourier(_courierID, true, true, function (detailsType) { // debugger; afterFiltersEvents(false, true, detailsType); }); }); } else { checkUncheckCourier(_courierID, true, undefined, function (detailsType) { // debugger; afterFiltersEvents(false, true, detailsType); }); } } }); // PARAMETRY DOMYŚLNE Z `UELA` if (incomingParameters.town) { if (!incomingParameters.courier) { isAllIncomingFiltersData = true; } $("#pointSearch").val(incomingParameters.town); searchAddress(incomingParameters.town, true, function(searchValueResponse){ if (searchValueResponse) { latlng = L.latLng(searchValueResponse.lat, searchValueResponse.lon); } isAllIncomingFiltersData = true; isReadyToInteraction = true; }); } else { isAllIncomingFiltersData = true; isReadyToInteraction = true; } if (incomingParameters.courier) { var intervalId = setInterval(function(){ if (!resetCouriersChelckOnClick && isAllIncomingFiltersData && (!incomingParameters.town || (incomingParameters.town && searchInput.searchResponse))) { // debugger; checkUncheckCourier(incomingParameters.courier, true, undefined, function(detailsFile){ makeSecondCouriers = false; afterFiltersEvents(false, true, detailsFile); isReadyToInteraction = true; }); clearInterval(intervalId); }; if (resetCouriersChelckOnClick && isAllIncomingFiltersData && (!incomingParameters.town || (incomingParameters.town && searchInput.searchResponse))) { unselectAllCouriers(false, function () { checkUncheckCourier(incomingParameters.courier, true, undefined, function (detailsFile) { afterFiltersEvents(false, true, detailsFile); isReadyToInteraction = true; }); }); clearInterval(intervalId); }; }, 10); } else { var intervalId = setInterval(function(){ if (isAllIncomingFiltersData && (!incomingParameters.town)) { // debugger; checkUncheckCourier("0", true, undefined, function (detailsType) { makeSecondCouriers = false; // if (detailsType != "file") { afterFiltersEvents(false, true, detailsType); // } isReadyToInteraction = true; }); clearInterval(intervalId); } else { // isReadyToInteraction = true; } }, 10); } }, 100); });/**/
Kurier Fedex Warszawa, oddziały i kontakt infolinia - epaka.pl (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

Last Updated:

Views: 6518

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.