Name the Mitski Song by Lyrics (2024)

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Can you pick the mitski song by the lyric?

By ssszlami


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LyricSong Name
I looked out at the dark and wondered how could I have lost it?
Kisses like pink cotton candy, talking to everyone but me
Let's shake this poet out of the beast
I say your name in hopes you'll hear it in the stars
I have a hope and though she's blind with no name
I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
I try to remember the wrath of the devil was also given him by God
I would give you my heart, I think
And I'll leave what I'm chasing for the other girls to pursue
You know I wore this dress for you
I look for a picture of you to keep in my pocket
Let me walk to the top of the big night sky
And autumn comes when you're not yet done with the summer passing by
I will be the one you need, I just can't be without you
Well I sighed and mumbled to myself, again I have to clean
You won't hear me singing, you're a cage without me
Just don't leave me alone wondering where you are
So by the time you wake I'll be brave
LyricSong Name
Makes no difference where we'll be, as long as we're out in the sun
About to fall, capture me, or at least take my picture
There is a dream that I sometimes see
At least in this lifetime we're sticking together
Guess I'm a coward, I just want to feel alright
And felt the taste of you bubble up inside me
But hunter, you were human, don't forget it and go safely
I tried my hardest for I'd never learned, God's very simple and love shouldn't burn
Tell me what you want to burn away, 'cause I could be your stoker
Keep my eyes on the road as I ache
See the trees' shadows lie in black pools in the lawn
You say you love me, I believe you do
I give it up to you, I surrender
It's just witness-less me
I thought maybe we would kiss tonight
He'd use his last strength to wave back
For I, even I, even I am alone
Name the Mitski Song by Lyrics (2024)


Why is Mitski so popular? ›

After releasing her first two albums, indie rock artist Mitski quickly gained popularity due to the melancholy tone of her music, which pulled at the heartstrings of listeners.

What song did Mitski cover? ›

Songs covered by Mitski
SongSong Performances
How Deep Is Your Love (Calvin Harris & Disciples cover)18
This Is What We Look Like (Personal Best cover)12
Coyote, My Little Brother (Pete Seeger cover)1
6 more rows

How many songs has Mitski released? ›

American recording artist Mitski has released seven studio albums, three extended plays, and 23 singles.

What type of music is Mitski songs? ›

Indie rock

What did Iggy Pop say about Mitski? ›

Mitski is revered by fans and fellow musicians. Iggy Pop once told BBC 6 she was "the most advanced American songwriter I know." Her lyrics have a literary quality.

How did Mitski choose her name? ›

She chose her stage name as a shortened version of her first name (Mitsuki) and her mother's maiden name (Miyawaki.)

Is Mitski a Japanese singer? ›

Born in Japan to an American father and Japanese mother, singer-songwriter Mitski (Miyawaki) '13 moved around during her youth, living in over 13 countries around the world, before graduating from high school in Turkey.

Does Mitski make sad songs? ›

Often coined as one of Mitski's saddest songs, we actually think “A Burning Hill” is quite comforting when confronting feelings of dread or anxiety. Sad music, in general, can help you feel like you're not alone, and help put intricate feelings into perspective.

Is Mitski a soprano? ›

Mitsuki Miyawaki, better known as Mitski, is a Japanese-American singer and songwriter that performs music in the Alternative and Indie genre. Mitski switches between a raspy, raw alto voice to a sweet, clean soprano.

Was Mitski nominated for a Grammy? ›


On September 15th 2023, Mitski released her stunningly lush album The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We. However, despite receiving abundant praise from both fans and critics, the beloved indie musician did not receive a single Grammy nomination this year.

What was Mitski's first song? ›

She had just begun writing songs soon after getting her high school diploma in Turkey (her earliest completed song, "Bag of Bones," appeared on her first album).

What genre is TV Girl? ›

TV Girl is generally regarded as indie pop, or sometimes as hypnotic pop. Similarly to trip hop, the band blends elements of hip hop and electronic music. This is due to their use of sampling, keyboards, and reverb effects.

Who inspired Mitski? ›

Over the years, Mitski has cited Connie Converse, Frank Ocean, David Lynch, her classical training in music, Jeff Buckley, M.I.A, Björk, Kate Bush, Ikue Asazaki, and global folk music as some of her influences.

What genre is Billie Eilish? ›

Billie Eilish
Musical career
GenresPop alt-pop electropop pop rock
LabelsDarkroom Interscope
13 more rows

What genre is Sza? ›

SZA is a neo soul singer, whose music has been described as alternative R&B, with elements of soul, hip hop, minimalist R&B, indie rock, cloud rap, witch house, and chillwave.

What is Mitski best known for? ›

A singer and songwriter known for both candid lyrics and a catchy yet volatile version of indie rock, Mitski is short for Mitski Miyawaki.

Does Mitski like Harry Styles? ›

Mitski is an established Harry Styles fan.

How many people listen to Mitski? ›

Mitski currently has 34.7 million monthly listeners on Spotify, a stat that puts her at Number 95 on the platform's highest-streaming artists worldwide, according to a document provided by the label.

What music genre is Lana Del Rey? ›

While Lana Del Rey's music is often associated with the indie pop and alternative genres, she skillfully weaves together various musical elements, resulting in a unique, beautiful and eclectic sound.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6237

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.